In addition to SEO consulting, Ayudante also offers industry email list its own services. One is the social client "Tweet Desk", and the other is "EV smart", a charging spot search app for electric vehicles, which has nothing to do with it. I have helped EVsmart SEO as an in-house project. Nowadays, EVsmart has grown rapidly with the spread of electric vehicles industry email list and has a considerable number of accesses, but we have implemented various measures to reach this point. This time, I would like to focus on the SEO part of EVsmart. table of contents.
About EV smart About EV smart SEO history Points that industry email list worked for SEO Data quality and originality Word of mouth Site UX User search needs Social utilization and real communication SEO effect About EV smart I made it a catchy title, "until I got the industry email list first place in the" electric car "" (laughs), but that is not really important. EVsmart is a site where you can search for charging spots for electric vehicles all over the country, but your favorite is the app.
In other words, KPI is to "increase the industry email list number of installed apps". Since SEO is not possible with the app, it is a countermeasure on the website. And since the word "electric car" is a big word with more than 60,000 searches, we can industry email list expect a decent influx if it becomes the first place, but more important is the details such as manufacturer, car model and spot name.Attract target users with long tail wordsTo do, andConnect to app installationThat's what it is. By the way, the birth of EV smart was in the fall of 2014, when electric vehicles were not as major as they are now and were not widely used.